Alabama Tornadoes: Bringing Help to Those Who Can’t Afford It

The Churches of Scientology Disaster Response came to Birmingham to help those who most needed it, and that found them in Pratt City.

To date the Scientology Volunteer Ministers have chopped trees, hauled debris and helped repair over 30 houses in Pratt City.

The Alabama tornadoes of April 27 caused more immediate destruction than any other disaster in the state’s recent history. But at a time when some would prefer to get as far away from the damage as possible, there is a group of volunteers who continue heading towards the rubble and debris to help those who need it most.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers were in Alabama by the end of April. Led by Joava Good, who is National Deputy Director of the Churches of Scientology Disaster Response, the Volunteer Ministers have been able to help scores of Alabamians since their arrival. “It’s our job to help people,” says Good, “if something bad were to happen in my city, I’d expect people to step up and help. That’s why I traveled down here to do something.”

Good’s city? Salt Lake City, Utah. In fact, many of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers working in the state don’t even come from Alabama. They rearranged their personal lives and jobs to spend time helping, coming from as close as Tennessee and as far as Japan.

Arriving in Alabama, the Volunteer Ministers began working in an area that most groups had not: Pratt City.

“These people weren’t wealthy, and the government overlooked them,” according to Good. The Volunteer Ministers put their heart and hands into any task nature or man sends their way. To date they have chopped trees, hauled debris and helped repair over 30 houses in Pratt City. “There were places like Tuscaloosa that got attention right away, but some of these small towns that didn’t have a lot of resources got hurt badly and we are trying our best to get them fixed up as fast as possible.”

Good is still optimistic as she looks forward: “When you go to someone who really needs help, and you help them, that’s the best thing you can do to make this world a better place. That’s what it’s all about and that’s why we are here.”