US Veteran First Responder Leads International Philippines Response Team

An international team of Scientology Volunteer Ministers is in final preparation to leave for the Philippines, where they will join the local Volunteer Ministers already on the ground.
US Veteran first responder, Ayal Lindeman will lead the team. He will be joined by experienced Volunteer Ministers from Australia and hundreds of Volunteer Ministers from the Church of Scientology Mission of Manila and Scientology Churches and Missions in nearby countries. They will be in the Philippines for the coming month to help the country recover from Typhoon Haiyan.
The super typhoon, which made landfall November 8, is the worst storm on record ever to have hit the central Philippines, leaving an estimated 10,000 dead, 500,000 evacuated and 10 million affected.
Lindeman, a trained EMT and LPN was awarded the International Association of Scientologists Freedom Medal in October 2012 for mobilizing and directing Volunteer Minister activities at scores of disasters including the Japanese tsunami of 2011, the Haiti earthquake of 2010, US Hurricanes Charlie, Ivan, Jean, Katrina and Rita and Ground Zero New York after 9/11.
To join the Typhoon Haiyan disaster response team, contact the International Volunteer Ministers Office at: