Tools for Life Available Online

People from every country of the world have enrolled on the free online Tools for Life courses for Volunteer Ministers or for anyone who wishes to learn new life skills.

Basics of Organizing Online Course:
“All of a sudden I feel really motivated! It’s something that should be taught in schools to help people get a handle on their lives before it’s too late. By comparing your life to the organising board it is easy to see the areas that you are succeeding in or failing at and then quickly put in the necessary steps and actions to remedy it…. I have a tremendously complicated and busy life and I’m glad I found the time to complete this so that I can use the data to keep everything in order…. When you are just stumbling through life and struggling to get things done efficiently and on time it makes you feel cloudy and confused, a sort of fogginess that doesn’t lift…until you stabilize it all by ORGANISING!” —K.F., United Kingdom

Targets & Goals Online Course:
“With this technology a worthwhile dream or goal can be achieved. In step by step application of the technology one can break down a huge goal in smaller manageable tasks with the required skills in place to achieve the goal. With the use of this tech one can plan out any activity, streamline the actions of those involved and achieve the end result. The technology is beautiful in its simplicity and lays out the exact steps of how to get anything done. With practice and use of this technology, one can achieve anything.” —G.C., South Africa

Public Relations Online Course:
“This course has been a great help to me. It’s made me take a closer look at my environment and what opportunities it provides. I have also realized through practice that showing good manners all the time allows me to create and keep both personal and professional relationships. I used the survey method for one of the articles I published and got a lot of coverage from the media outlets I sent them to. I will keep applying the proper communication skill and good manners both professionally and personally with the aim of bringing the best public relations practice into my work and personal life.” —V.I., Nigeria

“The technology is beautiful in its simplicity and lays out the exact steps of how to get anything done. With practice and use of this technology, one can achieve anything.”

—G.C., South Africa

Across the Globe

The Volunteer Ministers currently operate six Pioneer Goodwill Tours that visit remote locations in Central America, Southern Africa, the South Pacific, Russia and elsewhere.


To contact a Volunteer Minister for one-on-one assistance, to schedule an on-site seminar, to view chapters of the Tools for Life film or sign up for an online course, visit In addition to online and on-site training, anyone with a desire to help others, no matter their creed or faith, may enroll at any Church of Scientology for training as a Volunteer Minister.

Free Online Courses

Helping in Times of Need

The Volunteer Ministers are available on call at any time of natural or man-made disaster to help those in need. Donations help support the transport of these VMs across the world and the supply of basic resources vital to life for the victims of disasters such as food, water, tents and medical supplies.