Honoring King Mampuru II and his Dream of Freedom

Scientology Volunteer Ministers join thousands in Limpopo January 25 in tribute to the legacy of His Majesty King Mampuru II.

The bright yellow tent of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers African Good Will Tour at the annual Mampuru Day celebration January 25, 2014, honoring the memory and heritage of King Mampuru II

At the annual Mampuru Day celebration January 25, 2014, Scientology Volunteer Ministers conducted a seminar for sangomas—traditional tribal healers—in technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers present a copy of the Scientology Handbook to the traditional healers of the Pedi Nation.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers met with traditional leaders at Mampuru Day 2014 to offer their help in fulfilling the legacy of King Mampuru II by providing training and one-on-one help to guarantee the freedom and dignity of the people of South Africa.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers African Good Will Tour was honored to join the thousands paying tribute to the memory and heritage of King Mampuru II January 25 at the annual Mampuru Day celebration.

Once described by Nelson Mandela as the nation’s first freedom fighter, Mampuru II was assassinated in 1883 for leading a campaign of resistance against colonial rule. Coming full circle 130 years later, in April 2013 the Pretoria Correctional Facility, the prison where he was executed, was officially renamed King Mampuru Management Area.

South African President Jacob Zuma has described King Mampuru II in these terms: “Our history of struggle is enriched by tales of heroic traditional leaders who refused to be cowed by colonial regimes. They fought with everything in their possession to protect their land and people from systematic repression spanning centuries, which stripped the indigenous people of our country of all human dignity, decency, and human rights.”

It was in that same tradition of respect for the rights of the people of South Africa that the country’s lead Volunteer Minister addressed the distinguished traditional leaders and more than 30,000 gathered in Limpopo to celebrate Mampuru Day 2014. He pledged the commitment of all Scientology Volunteer Ministers of South Africa to help fulfil Mampuru II’s legacy, by providing training and one-on-one help to guarantee the freedom and dignity of the people of South Africa.

The Volunteer Ministers met with many traditional leaders. They conducted seminars, including one specifically arranged for sangomas—traditional tribal healers—in technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard that helps locate and relieve the factors that can predispose a person to illness or injury.

All were welcomed to visit the bright yellow tent and learn about the program or take advantage of the help of a Volunteer Minister to resolve any problem in their life.

The Volunteer Ministers program was expressly intended for use by Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike. Anyone of any culture or creed may train as a Volunteer Minister and use these tools to help their families and communities. And all are welcome to do so.

Equipped with effective technology to resolve virtually any difficulty, Volunteer Ministers live by the motto: “No matter the problem, something can be done about it.”

Transcending all ethnic, cultural and religious boundaries, the Volunteer Minister program is there for anyone in need of help. Volunteer Minister training is available free of charge through the Scientology Volunteer Ministers website to anyone who wishes to help others.