Beacon of Practical Help Shines as VMs Arrive in the Heart of Copenhagen

Scientology Volunteer Ministers reach out with indiscriminate help to those from all walks of life in Copenhagen’s Gammeltorv Square.
DER KAN GØRES NOGET VED DET” (“Something can be done about it”) reads the banner on the bright yellow pavilion as it opened in the center of Copenhagen. The Scientology Volunteer Ministers European Cavalcade speaks “help” in all 24 languages of the member states of the European Union as it travels to cities throughout the continent.
But its motto in Danish is particularly appropriate, as Denmark is home to the European headquarters of the Scientology religion.
The Volunteer Ministers (VMs) erected their signature pavilion in Gammeltorv Square only steps from the Church of Scientology Denmark, which welcomed the Cavalcade to the neighborhood with a community open house held in the Church Chapel. Then it was out onto the street with an array of booklets, courses and seminars—all designed to help people address their most pressing problems or difficulties.
Two men visiting from Saudi Arabia with an organization called Dignity chanced upon the yellow tents and were happy to find L. Ron Hubbard’s solutions for criminal rehabilitation.
VMs are trained on 19 bodies of technology developed by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. These are tools for healing troubled marriages, rescuing people from drug abuse, improving literacy and communication skills and administering Scientology assists—techniques that speed healing by addressing the spiritual and emotional factors in stress and trauma—and many other areas.
Eight Continental Cavalcades travel to major population centers in their zone. As Copenhagen is a crossroads of nations, the Cavalcade’s reach was far and wide. For example, on one Friday, two men visiting from Saudi Arabia with an organization called Dignity chanced upon the yellow tents and were happy to find L. Ron Hubbard’s solutions for criminal rehabilitation.
The Volunteer Minister Program is expressly intended for use by Scientologists as well as anyone of any culture or creed. All may train as VMs and use these tools to help their families and communities. And all are welcome to do so.
Just how much help do Volunteer Ministers deliver in a single year? Here are the numbers:
were helped by Volunteer Ministers in the past 12 months alone
traveled anywhere and everywhere by VMs delivering help to others
delivered imparting vital Scientology Technology to address the many difficulties and problems of life
where Volunteer Ministers responded to man-made and natural disasters
trained in one year to continue and help expand on the help delivered last year

Volunteer Ministers are on call across the globe and around the clock to respond to any and every disaster. Your contribution will fund volunteer travel as well as food, water, tents and medical supplies for disaster victims.