Volunteer Ministers Welcomed to Togo by King of Bassar
Religious and civil leaders officiated the opening of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers African Good Will Tour in the Central Togo town of Bassar.

Learning of the Volunteer Ministers program last year, Chief Yawanke, King of Bassar, invited the Church of Scientology to bring the Volunteer Ministers Good Will Tour to his city. As guardian of the customs and spiritual leader of his people, he recognized the importance of the program to their future prosperity and happiness.
The Church of Scientology International Volunteer Ministers Office arranged for a Good Will Tour to travel to Togo. The bright yellow pavilion was erected on a hectare of land, donated by the King for this purpose.
The King arranged for the kings of surrounding towns and villages to attend along with 18 of his own chiefs, the Prefect (governor) and Imam of Basar, elders, indigenous priests, the chief of police, and local army officers.
The grand opening began with local indigenous dancers, a ceremony for good luck performed by the priests and a prayer delivered by the Imam.
The king invited those attending to take advantage of the program and he and the Prefect cut the ribbon, officially opening the Volunteer Ministers Good Will Tour. He announced his intention to have a permanent Volunteer Ministers Center built on the land he is donating for that purpose.
Representing the Church of Scientology was Mr. Eric Roux, Public Relations Director of the Church of Scientology European Public Affairs and Human Right Office, who flew in for the occasion and to meet with the King and other officials in Lomo, the country’s capital.
In creating the Volunteer Ministers program, Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “If one does not like the crime, cruelty, injustice and violence of this society, he can do something about it. He can become a Volunteer Minister and help civilize it, bring it conscience and kindness and love and freedom from travail by instilling into it trust, decency, honesty and tolerance…

“A Volunteer Minister is a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others. A Volunteer Minister does not shut his eyes to the pain, evil and injustice of existence. Rather, he is trained to handle these things and help others achieve relief from them and new personal strength as well.
“How does a Volunteer Minister accomplish these miracles? Basically, he uses the technology of Scientology to change conditions for the better—for himself, his family, his groups, friends, associates and for mankind.”