Scientology Volunteer Ministers Help Sardinia Flood Victims

Volunteers from Scientology Churches and Missions throughout Italy mobilize to help those left stranded by Sardinia floods.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers throughout Italy are helping in the wake of Cyclone Cleopatra, which descended on the Italian island of Sardinia November 19, sweeping away cars and bridges, flooding streets and homes, killing 18 and leaving nearly 3,000 homeless.
The storm has been described as a “national tragedy” by Prime Minister Enrico Letta, and as “apocalyptic” by the mayor of Olbia, the town that took the brunt of its destructive force.
The Churches of Scientology of Nuoro and Cagliari and the Church of Scientology Mission of Olbia are coordinating the relief efforts of local Volunteer Ministers and of other Scientology volunteers who have arrived from Scientology Churches of Rome and Torino.
A truckload of clothing, mattresses, blankets, pillows and other items needed by the victims was collected and driven to the area.
Working in coordination with local civil protection authorities and other volunteer groups, Scientology Volunteer Ministers are helping with the arduous cleanup of homes, businesses and streets that were buried in mud and rubble.
Transcending all ethnic, cultural and religious boundaries, the Volunteer Ministers program is there for anyone in need of help. Volunteer Minister training is available free of charge through the Scientology Volunteer Ministers website to anyone who wishes to help others.