Church of Scientology Ready to Help Miami When Irma Strikes

The Church of Scientology Miami, officially designated as a Disaster Relief Resource Center, is available for help.

Ms. Diana Pedroni (right), Public Affairs Director of the Church of Scientology Miami and a few dozen Scientology Volunteer Ministers will be at the Church of Scientology Miami, available to help.

Located at 2220 South Dixie Highway, the Church of Scientology Miami will stay open with a few dozen experienced Scientology Volunteer Ministers when Hurricane Irma makes landfall.

“After we put out a media advisory yesterday on how to prepare for a hurricane, some 200 neighbors called in and have stored their cars in the Church parking structure,” says Diana Pedroni, Public Affairs Director for the Church.

International Scientology Volunteer Ministers headquarters in Los Angeles, with a grant from the International Association of Scientologists, has sent the famous Mexican Los Topos search and rescue specialists to Miami. They have been helping rebuild Rockport, Texas since Hurricane Harvey search and rescue ended.

“We are here and we are at the service of the community,” says Ms. Pedroni. “We have emergency supplies and equipment. Our doors are open to the community. We will work with anyone who needs help during these difficult times.”

Church staff are available to answer any questions about preparing for Irma. Call (305) 345-7812 or email miami@scientology-news.org.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers program is a religious social service created by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard in the mid-1970s. Their mottos is “Something can be done about it.”

The Los Topos and Scientology Volunteer Ministers team serving in Rockport Texas are en route to Miami to carry out Hurricane Irma search and rescue.
The Los Topos and Scientology Volunteer Ministers team serving in Rockport Texas are en route to Miami to carry out Hurricane Irma search and rescue.